Rustam Kocher, a retired expert in the electric transportation space, shares his experiences and insights on the adoption of electric vehicles in the commercial trucking industry in this two part episode (check out episode 1 if you haven't already!). The conversation discusses the operational standpoint and capabilities of electric trucks, the generations of electric trucks and their development, and the design considerations for electric trucks. It also explores the advantages of starting with Gen 5 vehicles and Tesla's approach to electric truck development. The maintenance comparison between electric and combustion trucks, the reduction in maintenance costs for electric trucks, and the impact of electric trucks on chassis durability are discussed. The importance of charging infrastructure, certification and training for maintenance, and transitioning fleets to electric vehicles are also covered. This conversation explores various topics related to electric semis and their impact on the transportation industry. The discussion covers the flexibility of power distribution, the benefits of electric school buses, and the potential of vehicle-to-grid technology. It also delves into the disadvantages of hybrid trucks and the importance of considering total cost of ownership (TCO) when making fleet decisions. The conversation highlights the role of data in fleet management and the need for improved charging infrastructure and utility support.

  • Electric trucks are becoming increasingly capable, and the major OEMs are working on developing more advanced generations of electric trucks.
  • The design of electric trucks is evolving, with a focus on starting from a clean slate and optimizing the vehicle for electric powertrains.
  • Electric trucks require less maintenance compared to combustion trucks, resulting in cost savings for fleet operators.
  • The development of charging infrastructure is crucial for the widespread adoption of electric trucks, and partnerships are forming to accelerate the rollout of charging networks. Flexibility in power distribution is crucial for efficiently charging electric vehicles, especially in commercial fleets.
  • Electric school buses offer lower emissions and the ability to store and provide power during peak demand periods.
  • Vehicle-to-grid technology allows electric vehicles to contribute power back to the grid during times of high demand.
  • Hybrid trucks are often seen as a suboptimal solution due to the challenges of integrating two drivetrains.
  • Total cost of ownership (TCO) is a key factor in the adoption of electric vehicles, with electric delivery vans already proving to be TCO positive.
  • Data plays a crucial role in optimizing charging infrastructure and managing fleet operations.
  • Utilities need to adapt to the increased demand for power from electric vehicles and provide faster service to support electrification.
  • Improved charging infrastructure and utility support are necessary to accelerate the adoption of electric semis.
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Creators and Guests

Chase Drum
Chase Drum
Host of Grid Connections and Founder of Bespoke EVs
Rustam Kocher
Rustam Kocher
Retired exec with deep experience in electrification of trucking.

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